New Year’s Levee celebrates community volunteers and retirees

Miramichi City Council from left: Deputy Mayor Paddy Quinn, Councillor Tara Ross-Robinson, Councillor Brian King, Councillor Veronique Arsenault, Mayor Adam Lordon, Councillor Chad Duplessie, Councillor Ryan Somers and Councillor Jason Harris.

Mayor Adam Lordon and City Council kicked off the City’s 30th anniversary celebrations at the 2025 New Year’s Levee held Wednesday, January 1st at the Loggieville Community Centre.

At the annual gathering, the City honoured the 2024 retirees and presented Community Service Awards for volunteers who have dedicated their time for the betterment of their community.

From left, City Manager Mike Noel, retirees Mary Savage, Peggy Doyle, Paul Fiander and Mayor Adam Lordon.

The retirees honoured were:

Anna Dean

Anna Dean was hired in February 1983 as Recreation Secretary with the former Town of Newcastle Recreation Department. She was later promoted to the position of Administrative Supervisor with the Department. Upon amalgamation in January 1995, she became the Administrative Supervisor for the Community Wellness and Recreation Department with the City of Miramichi the position she currently held until retirement. She retired on February 1, 2024.

Peggy Doyle

Peggy Doyle was hired in September 1994 by former Village of Nelson and in 1995 joined the City of Miramichi where she worked in various departments until July 2007 when she assumed the position of Executive Assistant to the Mayor and Manager, the position she currently holds until she retired on March 31, 2024.

Paul Fiander

Paul Fiander was hired in 1995 as a police constable and has worked his way up through the ranks to the position of Chief of Police which he held until he retired on June 1, 2024.

Dean Gallant

Dean Gallant was hired in 1994 as a Labourer by the former Town of Chatham and in 1995 joined the City of Miramichi and held various positions with CW&R and the Public Works department. In 2008, he moved to the position of Caretaker, a position he currently hold until he retired on October 1, 2024.

Mary Savage

Mary Savage was hired in 2012 as Director of Human Resources for the City of Miramichi. She worked in that position for 12 yrs until she retired on June 1, 2024

Community Service Award for Volunteers – 2024

Community Service Award for Volunteers – 2024

From left, Mayor Adam Lordon, Valerie Comeau. Gary Carscadden, Maureen Hardie, Cindi Green, and Robert Chiasson.

Gary Carscadden - Gary is a retired banker and a devoted husband, father, grandfather, and great-grandfather. He has been a committed Life Member of the Miramichi Kinsmen for over 40 years, playing an essential role in every event and club project. Throughout his time with the club, he has held every position on the club executive, and his knowledge of the club, its projects, and building management is impressive. Gary is always willing to share his expertise and educate fellow members.
In addition to being a life member, Gary has served as the building caretaker and manager for nearly 30 years. Many community events, including the Miramichi Folksong Festival, owe their success to his dedication and support.
Gary also volunteered with the Canadian Red Cross, managing their equipment rentals from the Beaverbrook Kin Centre for more than 25 years until he was physically unable to continue.
His motivation for volunteering has never been recognition; instead, he is genuinely selfless. Gary epitomizes what it means to be a Kinsmen, embodying the motto "Serving the Community's Greatest Need," making him a true volunteer and a pillar of our community.

Nominated by Michael Loggie on behalf of the Miramichi Kinsmen

Robert Joseph Chiasson - Robert is well known in his local community, throughout the greater Miramichi area for his way with people, jovial personality, sense of leadership and, above all, his outstanding contribution as an ambassador through his continued efforts to promote social and community development in his region.
Robert assists family and friends along with the public without hesitation. He is often called on to assist with housing issues from the elderly and attends the seniors’ homes where he knows people assisting in capacities that assist everyone as a whole. Robert puts smiles on your face and even assists people that are having car troubles providing them with the tools and resources need to get back on the road. Robert refuses monetary value and does this from the bottom of his heart.
He is 75 years old and has not slowed down, continuing to assist where he can, to give back to the community while being a strong advocate for his Métis heritage. He is a support to our cultural views. Robert does not shy away from any project and takes it head on while having a team vision with everyone working with him. There is not one day that Robert has not assisted someone or a family on getting back on their feet. The community recognizes Robert as a mentor and a good-hearted person that is always there to help.  

Nominated by Catlin Chiasson

Valerie Comeau - I am writing to nominate Valerie Comeau for the community service award. While I've known Valerie for about 30 years personally- it's only recently that I've had first hand experience with her volunteerism and community spirit. I know that Val has been a community volunteer in Miramichi for many many years. Having been involved in the Miramichi Rotary Club she held different positions and spearheaded many projects. I know that she also volunteered with Miramichi River Runners and likely many other clubs and projects that I'm not even aware.
 But I wanted to put her name forward for her volunteer work most recently at the Nordin Recreation Centre.  Valerie and her husband Paul have taken on organizing and hosting weekly washer toss on Tuesday evenings for the past three years. Each week they end up with about 30-40 participants and are excellent at engaging them and creating a welcoming, active environment.  
These participants travel from Napan, Nelson, Chatham, Newcastle- all over the city of Miramichi! On top of running the washer toss nights, Valerie has also taken on a huge role in helping Faye Hachey get pickle ball up and running at the Nordin Rec.  Valerie spent many hours writing proposals and searching for funding and then spent double those hours putting physical work into renovating the outdoor rink space at the Nordin Recreation Centre into pickleball courts. She does this all with a positive attitude and genuine "what else can we get/do for the community" perseverance.
She excels at bringing people together and she's wonderful at making people feel comfortable, welcomed, and encouraged to put themselves out there.  
I personally am very grateful for Valerie's time and efforts, and I think she would make a perfect recipient for a Miramichi Community Service Award.    

Nominated by Kelly Watling

Cindi Green - Cindi has gone above and beyond not only for autism swim but an amazing advocate for the parents and our autistic children.
She has spent countless (unpaid ) hours researching/sharing her knowledge for us to be the best parents we can be and to help our autistic children live the best lives they can.
Also the lives that are being saved by the autism swim program is because of her hard work dedication and love for our children.

Nominated by Cindy Doucette

Faye Hachey - I would like to nominate Faye Hachey for the Miramichi Community Service Award on behalf of the Nordin Recreation Council. Over the last year Faye has put many hours of physical labour and love into the property behind the recreation centre, all volunteer on her own volition so that the grounds could be used and enjoyed by the residents of Miramichi.  She tirelessly cut and dragged trees, brush, old boards, etc and cleaned the area behind the old outdoor rink.
She organized a group of volunteers to come together and renovate the rink into pickleball courts and even spent hours of her own time teaching others how to play the sport. Faye naturally recruited other volunteers to research funding to enhance her pickleball project, successfully obtaining a grant to not only evolve the pickleball community but also to add picnic tables, benches, and life back to the grounds at the recreation centre.  
Many other community groups are benefiting from the work that Faye and her group of volunteers have done at the property, it is truly wonderful to see.  
While I don’t know extensively Faye’s volunteer history, I do know that she puts 100 per cent into every project and endeavor she takes on and never looks for accolades or praise. I think there’s a lot that Faye does behind the scenes of big local projects as well.  
I think these are our community members who need to be recognized for their hard work and constant support of making our city a place to enjoy and be proud of.

Nominated by Kelly Watling

Maureen Hardie - Maureen puts in many volunteer hours working at the Hospice Thrift store and visiting at Mount St. Joseph Nursing Home. She is a very giving person.

Nominated by Sharon Kirkwood


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