Master Plan
The Downtowns Master Plan is a dynamic long-range vision for the development of the City of Miramichi’s two unique downtown cores; the Newcastle Business District and the Historic Chatham Business District.
The report was accepted by Miramichi City Council in January 2020 and was the result of a lengthy process that involved numerous public consultations including presentations with community business organizations and business leaders. The resulting vision includes public infrastructure projects coupled with private development concepts that focuses on six pillars of the Miramichi Downtowns Experience.

Great downtowns are built upon the dreams of the builders and the support of their people.
The vision of the downtown development project incorporates the following concepts:
Promote historical and cultural character
Reconnect to a continuous waterfront
Develop high-quality, human-centred places
Prioritize active mobility
Support a vibrant downtown economy
Promote active and efficient administration
Historic Chatham District
The master plan for this historic downtown area is to revitalize existing infrastructure to enhance the pedestrian and retail environment. These upgrades would include a designated bike route, pedestrian links or greenway trails, widened sidewalks, additional street-side seating, shade, patio space, bike racks, trash receptacles, and other amenities. There is also a goal to increase street connectivity for all forms of transportation (vehicles, bikes, pedestrians) and to modify traffic flow to take better advantage of the downtown’s assets. These goals are to be achieved through various short-, medium- and long-term development initiatives.