Mayor’s Message
On behalf of the citizens of Miramichi and my City Council colleagues, I am pleased to welcome you to our beautiful river city.
We would like to acknowledge that the City of Miramichi is situated in Mi’kma’ki, the ancestral and unceded territory of the Mi’kmaq People. This territory is covered by the ‘Treaties of Peace and Friendship’ first signed with the British Crown in 1726. The treaties did not deal with surrender of lands and resources but in fact recognized an ongoing relationship between nations. We are all Treaty People.
It is truly an exciting time of renewal in the City of Miramichi, filled with promise and potential. Throughout the pandemic we have shown once again the resiliency and sense of community that makes Miramichi so special.
Record numbers of newcomers from across the country and around the world are choosing Miramichi as their home because of the vibrant lifestyle, access to outdoor adventures, quality of life, and cost of living we can provide here.
Council and I are working every day to make life better for Miramichiers by delivering on the priorities of our strategic plan including population growth, economic development, celebrating diversity and inclusion, downtown renewal, housing affordability, environmental sustainability, and active transportation and trail development
Whether you find yourself considering Miramichi as a citizen or a visitor, I encourage you to join us and be sure to explore our beautiful river, waterfront, and parks. You will see in no time why we are called Atlantic Canada’s Great Outdoors.
Ours is a city of hard workers, dedicated community volunteers, and breathtaking natural beauty. Please join us on the river anytime, and enjoy our world famous Miramichi hospitality for a vacation or a lifetime.
Mayor Adam Lordon