Mayor Joins Local Legions in Launch of Citywide Poppy Campaign
Ray Kokkonen, Poppy Service Chair with Branch 10 Newcastle, left, and Joan Cripps, 1st Vice Poppy Campaign Chair with Branch 3 Chatham, right pinned the firdt poppy on Mayor Adam Lordon to officially launch the 2024 Poppy Campaign.
City of Miramichi Mayor Adam Lordon joined representatives from the Royal Canadian Legion Branches in Newcastle and Chatham to launch the 2024 Poppy Campaign.
Ray Kokkonen, Poppy Service Chair with Branch 10 Newcastle and Joan Cripps, 1st Vice Poppy Campaign Chair with Branch 3 Chatham presented and pinned the first poppy to begin the annual campaign.
The poppy campaign will run from Friday, October 25th to November 11th, 2024.
All donations received during the poppy campaign are held in trust at each Legion branch level to directly support Veterans and their families within their community and to help ensure Canadians ‘never forget’.
Please support this year’s Poppy Campaign and wear a Poppy as a visual pledge to honour Canada’s Veterans and remember those who sacrificed for the freedoms we enjoy today.