City and Province announce various funding projects to benefit residents of all ages

RDC Minister Rejean Savoie, MLA Michelle Conroy, Mayor Adam Lordon, and Councillor Veronique Arsenault joined Ritchie Wharf music organizer Lynn Osmond and supporters at the funding announcement for the replacement of the stage and roof with a new pavilion structure to be built later this fall. This was one of many of the funding announcements made by the City of Miramichi and Province of New Brunswick.

Mayor Adam Lordon was joined by Regional Development Corporation Minister Rejean Savoie and Miramichi MLA Michelle Conroy to announce a number funding projects for the City.
The announcements were made at Ritchie Wharf Park on Wednesday, August 7th.
Here is a list of the projects that will be completed by the City of Miramichi with funding from the Regional Development Corporation. The City will fund 60 per cent of the cost and RDC will fund 40 per cent of the cost. Total cost is over $2.6 million with the City investing over $1.5 million and the province investing over $1 million.

Ritchie Wharf Park Upgrades
$753,000 – RDC - $301,000 / City - $451,800

This project will see the replacement of the present stage area and dance with a pavilion structure which will include a stage area and performance area. The new pavilion, which will be constructed this fall, is part of the plans for ongoing development and upgrades to the Ritchie Wharf Park. Ritchie Wharf Park is a popular tourist destination and provides nightly music entertainment for our senior population.

Active Transportation Projects
$795,000 – RDC - $318,000 / City - $477,000

Phase 1 of the Southern Spine Active Transportation Plan - the eastern portion of the spine (from the railroad tracks crossing on Water Street to Kelly Road) will be constructed this year.
Trail improvements at the Anderson Mill Site to improve the aesthetics of the property and encourage use of trails built in 2022. This will include adding topsoil and hydroseed along the trails and planting 50 trees along the trail.

Harkins / Memorial Recreation Hub
$300,000 – RDC - $120,000 / City - $180,000

The City plans to develop the Harkins Site in keeping with the recommendations of the Recreation Master Plan and Downtown Development Plan.
The area will provide additional recreation opportunities and support spaces including access to parking, walkways, public washrooms, sport courts and shaded seating areas. Phase 1 includes design and construction start of the parking area and basketball courts, with construction completion scheduled for 2025. The total project budget is $2 million.

Upgrades for Sports Fields
$540,000 – RDC - $216,000 / City - $324,000

Memorial Field ($100,000) – replacement of infield material along with installation of drains to allow water to escape field area. This will create an improved and safer playing surface.
Gerald King Ball Field ($20,000) – removal of rail tie system for steel bleachers which would be replaced with a crushed stone base. City Field (MVHS) ($400,000) – full replacement of the lighting system to a LED sports field lighting system which has lower maintenance costs, better efficiency, and longer expected useful life.

Carroll/Kierstead Street Playground Replacement
$80,000 – RDC - $32,000 / City - $48,000

This was the oldest city-owned playground in the city. The playground and the ground surface were replaced in July.

Miramichi Civic Centre Network Upgrades
$50,000 – RDC - $20,000 / City - $30,000

The Miramichi Civic Centre will have the wireless network upgraded for improved public WIFI connectivity.

Ritchie Wharf Boardwalk Repairs
$100,000 – RDC - $40,000 / City - $60,000

Repair work to the boardwalk.


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