Mental Health awareness initiative launched at Miramichi City Hall
The Mental Health Support Window Sticker was officially launched July 3rd at Miramichi City Hall.
City Councillor Veronique Arsenault and Mayor Adam Lordon.
The sticker will be displayed by businesses throughout the city and region.
A new mental health awareness initiative was officially launched at City Hall on Wednesday, July 3rd by Mayor Adam Lordon and city councillor, Veronique Arsenault.
They were joined by several area organizations to reveal the Mental Health Support Window Sticker which is aimed at raising awareness for local mental health support services.
The window sticker will be displayed at local businesses in the City and greater Miramichi region. It will enable passerby to scan a QR code that will lead to the contact information for local mental health support services available. The intent is to create an easy, discrete way to find important information, to both start the conversation, ease stigma and provide information for those who need it most.
”I’m really happy to see this come together. I’m really thankful for our partners,” said Arsenault.
The organizations involved the partnership include the Greater Miramichi Chamber of Commerce, Downtown Newcastle Business District, Historic Chatham Business District, The Great Miramichi Regional Service Commission, Miramichi Addiction, Mental Health & Suicide Prevention and the City of Miramichi.
”It’s such a critical conversation, like I said, not to just start but to continue having. We all have mental health we need to take care of every day and this is just one of those pieces.”
If interested in displaying a sticker at your business or organization, please reach out to