About Our Department
The Miramichi Police Force was founded on January 1, 1995 with the amalgamation of the City of Miramichi. The police force has a staffing complement of fifty-one sworn and civilian personnel. The police force also has eight part-time personnel comprised of both jail and crosswalk guards.
Patrol Division
The Patrol Division is made up of 4 platoons that provides 24/7 active and emergency response throughout the City. The men and women assigned to the Patrol Division are the first responders to the majority of the calls for service in the City. Some of their duties include general and proactive patrols, traffic enforcement, enforcing municipal by-laws, provincial and federal laws, and conducting foot patrols in the downtown cores. Patrol Division members respond to a wide variety of call types throughout their shifts.
Criminal Investigation Division
The Criminal Investigation Division is tasked to investigate major crimes that are more serious and complex that require further investigational efforts. This includes, but not limited to, interviewing, collection of evidence, and the preparation of judicial authorizations for the seizure of property/items related to an investigation. Members of the Division receive specialized training in such things as major case management, major crime, and forensic interviewing.
Chief Reader/Court Services
The Chief Reader is responsible for investigative file quality control, oversight of Court Services, and performs the task of Exhibit Custodian. This unit is responsible for the handling of all completed investigation files recommended for charges. All completed files are sent to the Crown Prosecutors for review and charge approval. Once a charge is approved Court Services prepares all of the necessary paperwork for the laying of charges in Provincial Court. Court Services is also responsible for the tracking and outcome of all court files, and receiving all warrants issued by the Courts.
Communications Centre
The Miramichi Police Force’s Communication Centre is one of six Provincial Public Safety Answering Points (PSAP) in the Province of New Brunswick. The PSAP is responsible for the processing of 911 calls, Miramichi Police Force calls & dispatching, as well as the dispatching for 9 different fire services.
Specialized Services
Miramichi/Bathurst joint Emergency Response Team
Traffic Unit
Collision Reconstruction
Drug Recognition Experts (DRE)
Crisis Negotiations
Critical Incident Command
Scene of Crime Officer (SOCO)
Marine Unit