Uni-directional flushing completed

The uni-directional flushing has been completed as of April 25 ,2024 on the high side of the Newcastle Water System. This is the area that is north of the railway tracks, Old King George Highway, and portion of King George Highway from civic 731 to 887.
The water system has been returned to normal operation.
The Public Works Department advises there remains a possibility of dirty water occurring from time when there is a changes to waterflow. This can occur with water main breaks and fires.
If dirty water occurs, please contact the Public Works Department at 506-623-2020 from 7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. and at the after-hours number at 506-623-2241 or by emailing publicworks@miramichi.org
Director Jay Shanahan extends his appreciation to the Public Works crews for the endless hours they worked to help correct the uncontrollable situation.
Public Works also wants to apologize to the residents for any inconvenience.


Update on uni-directional flushing in the Newcastle Water System